Long-distance relationships

by: nashe orimir 

Can you imagine not being with your loved one for a week without any communication between you and your loved one? 

Nowadays, we have the internet to use as communication, but is that enough for you or your loved one? Are you okay with not getting to touch your loved one? Or maybe not contented in seeing her inside a screen?  It is natural to miss your loved one, but can you take it? 

The misery of losing a loved one is massive, is it the same as being far away from him/her?
of course it's different, but wouldn't you agree with me?

Worse, imagining your loved one cheating on you is truly frightening, but why does long-distance relationship work?

Long distance relationships are built from the trust you have with your partner, and the undying love you have for each other, it also needs patience, and lots of communication. Of course if you or your partner lack some of the requirements for a successful LDr, there is a high chance of your partner will cheat, and a higher chance of you breaking up. But with a little determination, and the details said before, there is a high chance that you won't break up, and even a higher chance that you and your partner are truly meant for each other.

Long distance relationships also needs a stable platform, your love mustn't be built by your partner's beauty, But the aspects and personality traits that attracted you to her. Of course that was obvious.

But if you are somehow scared of LDrs, that you might be betrayed by your partner, well don't be, be confident in you and your partner's love for one another, That is the string that connects you both, the red string that stretches indefinitely. 


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